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Tags: addresses, convention, Cora Ferguson, debates, editor, First Baptist Church, Hoquiam, invitation, Labor Day, Ladies' Home Journal, meeting, minister, preacher, Presbyterian, president, ratification, reception, Sawyer, Washingtonian, Woman's Journal
Tags: Bigeloa, Copeland, Daniel C. Beaty, elder, Fishback, Gaston, Junk, Lawrence, lemon, McHolland, Olympia, pioneer, Presbyterian, Reverend D.A. Thompson, Sibley, Yantis
Tags: banquet, gagwin, greenback, Lawrence, Nalder, Presbyterian, reunuion
Tags: Baptist, cartoon, Cowboy preacher, Methodist, Presbyterian, Sam S. Bettes, Seattle, Songs of Solomon, Texas
Tags: asylums, Baptist, church, converts, criminals, Emma Smith DeVoe, equal rights, idiots, inmates, Iowa, justice, lecture, lunatics, men, mentally ill, Presbyterian, suffrage, sympathy, The Patriot, voting, women, Wyoming
Tags: Baptist, Chariton Herald, church, Emma Smith DeVoe, equal suffrage, justice, meetings, Presbyterian, welfare
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