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Tags: association, Dr. Kloeber, fruit, Growers, Puyallup, state fair, Sumner, Woman's Day
Tags: board, expenses, Idaho, money, North Yakima, Puyallup, Seattle, Senator Borah, state fair, Walla Walla, Wallace
Tags: 1910, North Yakima, state fair, Sue Lomard
Tags: photograph, state fair, Sue Lombard, women's department
Tags: Emma Smith DeVoe, Grange, labor union, Mrs. Mason, North Yakima, Puyllup Fair, state fair, Tacoma Daily News Womens Edition, Washington, Washington Equal Suffrage Association, women's clubs
Tags: Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Dairy Exhibits, Forestry building, Good Roads building, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, state fair, University of Washington
Tags: 9/16, North Yakima, state fair, Sue Lombard, The Olympian, train, Woman's Day
Tags: Cavour, Daily Huronite, Emma Smith DeVoe, J.E. Elson, state board of agriculture, state fair
Tags: 9/17/1890, Aberdeen Guards, Anna Shaw, Anthony, Brown, Cranmer, Emma Smith DeVoe, Equal Suffrage Association, Knights of Pythias, quartette, Shaw, state fair, The Dakota Ruralist, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Woman's Day, Woman's Relief Corps
Tags: Aberdeen, brass band, Daily Huronite, Emma Smith DeVoe, ladies' quartette, Mitchell Gazzette, Philena Johnson, state fair, state lecturer, Woman's Day
Tags: Emma Smith DeVoe, state fair, Susan B. Anthony, The Honorable, The Woman's Tribune, Woman's Day
Tags: Aberdeen, Emma Smith DeVoe, state fair, Woman's Day
Tags: Aberdeen, Anna Shaw, Clara B. Colby, Emma Smith DeVoe, letter to the editor, Olympia Brown, State Agricultural Board, state fair, Susan B. Anthony, Woman's Relief Corps, World's Fair
Tags: Emma Smith DeVoe, state fair, The Dakota Rural, Woman's Day
Tags: Aberdeen, Emma SmithDeVoe, exhibit, Female Quartet, Huron Daily Times, Ladies Drum Corps, September 17, South Dakota, state fair, suffrage, Woman's Day, Woman's Relief Corps
Tags: Emma Smith DeVoe, Fair, Gettysburg, husband, Jennie E. Rogers, parade, representative, sing, soldiers, song, speaker, state fair, Woman Suffrage Association, Woman's Day, Woman's Relief Corps, women's day, World's Columbia Exposition, World's Fair
Tags: 1892, Aldrich, C. Holt Flint, death, Des Moines, DeVoe, drunk driving, Goodrich, Hinman, Iowa, Matilda Case, millionaires, People's Party, poor, state fair, tramps, Woman's Alliance, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Woman's Day, Woman's Standard
Tags: 1892, cottage, Des Moines, fairgrounds, Iowa, state fair, Woman's Standard
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