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Tags: Catt, Charles Houston Goudiss, College Equal Suffrage League, cookbook, Cora Smith Eaton, DeVoe, float, German of Heine, Grange, Leckenby, National Council of Women Voters, pamphlet, parade, poem, poster, State Federation of Labor, Votes for Women
Tags: Associated Press, J.B. Nelson, liberty, poem, poetry, Richard Realf, tyrant, verse
Tags: 11/14, A Woman Nursed Me Through, Alex T. Wingfield, DeVoe, E.L. Hiberly, John A. Logan, Ladies of the Grand Army, poem, Query Club, Rosecrans, Stephen A. Beadle, Tacoma Daily Ledger
Tags: parody", poem, The Raven", verse
Tags: Genevra Lake, poem
Tags: 1909, commemorative, Genevra Lake, National Woman Suffrage Convention, poem, Seattle, The Woman's Journal
Tags: Lew Dockstader, lyrics, poem
Tags: May Arkwright Hutton, poem, Washington
Tags: Herbert Jacobs, hunger strikes, La Reine Baker, Lord George Bedborough, poem, The Common Cause""
Tags: Florence Wilkinson, poem
Tags: poem
Tags: A.C. Bowman, Mrs. John Mills, poem
Tags: Austin Dobson, poem
Tags: Oregon, poem, S.T. Johnson, Washington County News
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