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Tags: American, association, conventions, dairymens, dates, Educational, Indiana, labor, mining, National, Ohio, poultry, resolution, show, state, suffrage, Warren, Washington, woman
Tags: cattle, equality, Hillsboro, industries, Johns, mining, New Mexico, political, press, railroad, silver, temperance
Tags: Eugene, Gertrude, home, House, iron, mining, Oregon, Paul, Pratt, Virginia
Tags: Anthony, Barton O. Aylesworth, Carnegie Hall, Helen L. Grenfell, Lindsey, mining, O.H.P. Belmont, polling place, Sarah Platt Decker, Shaw, Stanton, State Agricultural College of Colorado, Stone, Willard, Woman's Journal, Woman's Relief Corps
Tags: 5/29, 5th Avenue mansion, Aberdeen Port, cable, Clarence H. Mackay, fortune, Home Life, John W. Mackay, Katherine Duer, Long Island, mining, Roslyn, school election, tax, telegraph
Tags: adulthood, age of majority, alcohol, bakeries, child labor, children, clerical work, Compensation Act, court, factories, farming, hours, imprisonment, liquor, messengers, mining, minors, Mrs. W.O. Chapman, orphans, slander, testimony, wages
Tags: 6/29, Caldwell, cornet band, Emma Smith DeVoe, Frank Steunenberg, Kate Feltham, Lee, M.B. Gwinn, Mary F. Gipson, mining, P.A. Devers. Anna Gilgan, S. Beatty, thumb, Tom Evans
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