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Tags: 117, America, cause, cooperative, Educational, farmers, Hardison, no., Union
Tags: Bellingham, cause, clippings, convention, DeVoe, editors, Fick, literature, Mrs. J. A. Griffith, Mrs. W. N. Hunt, newspapers, suffrage, Wardall
Tags: Bryn Mawr, cause, convention, finance, force, organization, Washington, workers
Tags: cause, Emma Smith DeVoe, Federal Suffrage Association, Iowa, October 1892, Wisconsin Citizen
Tags: cause, complimentary, Egan, Emma SmithDeVoe, meetings, pending amendment, school house, South Dakota, speak, woman suffrage
Tags: appreciative, audience, cause, Daily Hustler, Emma Smith DeVoe, friends of the cause, Iowa, large collection, Reformed Presbyterian Church, Washington, woman suffrage
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