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Tags: acknowledgment, president, Theodore Roosevelt, White House
Tags: Emma Smith DeVoe, president, telegram, Virginia W. Mason, White House, William H. Taft
Tags: Boissevain, demonstration, Field, Milholland, picket, Susan B. Anthony Amendment, White House, Wilson, Younger
Tags: branding irons, copper, Cox, France, Newton, Revival of Household Industries and Domestic Art, sheep, Sugar, war department, wasted money, White House, Wilson administration
Tags: Belva Lockwood, Brooklyn, Mrs. Robt. H. Elder, New York, White House
Tags: Bryan, suffrage convention, Taft, White House
Tags: 4/20, Brewer, Harold Duley Greeley, LaFollette, New York, Rheta Childe Dorr, Snohomish Tribune, Taft, White House
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