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Tags: civics, clubs, committee, convention, education, government, leagues, mothers, Ohio, organizations, parents, patrons, presidents, pupil, Rachel Foster Avery, schools, state, suffrage, Toledo, Warren
Tags: Eden, Frase, Grange, granges, lecture, Minnehaha, Pomona, Prairie, Ranck, Toledo
Tags: auxiliary, Belmont, Boston, campaign, Catt, chairman, Cleveland, convention, election, engagement, funds, Jane Addams, letter, New York, Ohio, Parks, Paul, San Francisco, Shaw, stationary, The Prospective Voter, Toledo, travel, Upton
Tags: Brady, campaign, Cassady, Catt, Davis, friction, Idaho, Ohio, postcard, regrets, Senator, suffrage, temperance, Toledo, vote, Washington, women
Tags: bill, Canadian, convention, delegate, Eaton, European, Grinnell, legislature, national petition, New York City, petition, phiadelphia, Seattle, Shaw, Toledo, vote, Washington, woman suffrage
Tags: Brand Whitlock, Ohio, Post-Intelligencer, Seattle, Toledo, Wigwam
Tags: Brighton Beach, California, Clara Layton, Dr. Leuma G. Johnson, Dr. Royal C. Johnson, Ellen Lackenby, Hattie Rose Lauke, Los Angeles, Lucy Kangley, Mary Langdon, Perre, Seattle, South Dakota, Tacoma, Toledo, W.J. Johnston, Washington, Waterville
Tags: Bryn Mawr, Denver, Ellis Meredith, librarian, Linda Jennings, Miss Cora Bunker, Mrs. Drewsen, Mrs. Philip Snowden, Mrs. Virginia H. Field, municipal suffrage, New York City, Norway, Odelsting, Oklahoma, parliament, President Taft, Sing Sing, Toledo
Tags: Brand Whitlock, Catherine Waugh McCulloch, Chicago, college, Equal Suffrage League, Jackson, Jane Addams, Lincoln, Mary Wood Park, T.C. MacMillan, Toledo
Tags: Brand Whitlock, Carrie Chapman Catt, Chicago, Clarence Mackay, London, Spokane, The Evening Chronicle, Toledo
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