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Tags: Antietam, apple tree, Appomattox, army, battle, birthday, Civil War, David Crossen, Elks, Grand Army of the Republic, Grant, infantry, Lee, memories, Northville, Pennsylvania, recollections, South Mountain, souvenir, surrender, Tacoma, Union, veteran
Tags: Alden, Ashton, Athol, Brown, Conde, Cory, Doland, Emma Smith DeVoe, Frankfort, Howe, Jennie L. Dennett, Kaull, Lutz, Mellette, N. Blain, Northville, Packham, Parsons, Redfield, Spink county, The Woman's Tribune, Turton, Wagner, Walbridge
Tags: Ashton, Athol, Conde, Dennett, Doland, Emma Smith DeVoe, F.M. Davis, Frankfort, Hassinger, Mellette, Northville, R. Packham, Reisinger, Spink county, suffrage convention, The Redfield Journal, Turton, Woman's Christian Temperance Union
Tags: A.L. Shoop, Athol, C. Doner, E.H. Alden, Emma Smith DeVoe, G.L. Harrington, G.W. Doner, H.W. Babcock, Iroquois, J.S. Akers, M.N. Taylor, M.R. Buldridge, Northville, R.C. Booth, Redfield, S.A. Stanton, State Agricultural Board, W.F. Shoop
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