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Tags: Bessie Savage, Co., cousin, DeVoe, Okanogan
Tags: Adella Parker, Anna E. Goodwin, Bessie Savage, Blanche B. Tindall, Cora Smith Eaton, DeVoe, Ellen S. Leckenby, Florentine Schage, Hester J. Miller, Homer Hill, Maud Parker, petition, Sales Fable, Sarah Kendall, signature, support
Tags: Ada L. Squier, Alexander Sayre, Bessie Savage, C. DeSeverance, Esther Segalla, Leo Savage, Minnesota, Olympia, Port Orchard, Rev. Anna H. Shaw, S. Schultz, Saint Paul, Saint Paul Political Equality Club, Seattle, Seattle Public Library, Washington
Tags: anti-suffragists, Bessie Savage, conservation, Fish, Jennings, McLaughlin, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, State Federation of Women's Clubs, Walla Walla
Tags: Bessie Savage, College Suffrage League, Daily Star of Seattle, Dr. Effie Buland, Grange, Jennie Jewett, Mabel Fontron, Miss Frances Christian, Mrs. Ellen Leckenby, Rev. Mr. Tate, Skamania County, Times of Tacoma, Washington Equal Suffrage Association
Tags: 2/18, Bessie Savage, Frances Scott, J.Q. Mason, Kangley, legislature, O'Mera, Olympia, Quigley, University of Washington
Tags: Bessie Savage, Catherine Stirtan, Cora Smith Eaton, E.L. Benedict, Edith DeL. Jarmuth, I.H. Jennings, John L. Custer, letter to the editor, Matthews, Nellie Mitchell Fick, The Seattle Daily Times, W.M. Harper
Tags: Amos Brown, Bessie Savage, Elizabeth Wardall, James H. Calvert, Ray Wardall, Rose Simmons, T.C. Wiswell, The Seattle Post-Intelligencor
Tags: Adella Parker, Bessie Savage, Elizabeth Wardall, Fannie Cummings, Helen M. Lachenby, King County Equality Club, Margaret Bain, Marion B. Baxter, officers, Ruth Dahnken, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
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